Moments that Matter: Sinking in Defeat or Rising to Lead By Don Janssen, DVM

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Leaders watch for opportunities to bring hope and change things for the better. But what do we do when, in a moment, troublesome circumstances intervene? 

Seven years ago, I was unaware I was approaching such a moment. I had just gone to bed. The little finger of my right hand moved erratically. With effort, I stopped it. But it soon started up again. What was going on? For the next year, I studied my symptoms in my own silent world. I shared it with no one. I felt okay but had undeniable symptoms of slow movement and overwhelming fatigue. And then there was that little finger which appeared to have a mind of its own. When my wife noticed my lips and tongue quivering when drinking, it was time to seek a diagnosis and acknowledge what I suspected was true. That night seven years ago marked the beginning of my life with Parkinson’s disease.

We all experience moments that matter, whether they be personal or professional, large or small. These moments challenge our expectations and disrupt our life plans. We have no control over them or when they happen; they just do. In the complex and dynamic workplace, leaders often face troubling moments that matter. But the best leaders overcome them. They use these moments to change the course of things for the better. 

Is it possible to prepare ourselves for these unpredictable moments? And how do exceptional leaders transform these fiery moments into productive opportunities?

Here are 6 tactics to consider:

  1. Relax. You’re not alone. Everyone encounters these moments. No one is immune. Being fearful at these unwelcome times is part of being human. Acknowledging this will help you move forward. 

  2. Listen, think, and reflect. Such moments rarely demand immediate action. Use the time to seek wisdom. Be realistic but not pessimistic. 

  3. Lean in. Be courageous like a first responder. Take a direct approach and go through not around. Others will naturally follow your lead. By engaging the circumstance, you’re less likely to be trapped by it later.

  4. Search for what others don’t see. This is the pivotal point. Others won’t see what you can see because they aren’t going through what you are. So, take advantage of your unique perspective and go deep below the surface. Identify new directions, new possibilities. Look for changes needed in yourself and your sphere of influence. 

  5. Connect with others. Be the calming influence in the middle of the storm. Use what you learn to serve others' needs first, not your own. You may discover a bigger purpose that isn’t even about you.

  6. Be grateful. Those disruptive moments are far better teachers than are the triumphant ones. View them as the valuable gifts they are. Acknowledge the people and circumstances that helped you through the difficult time. 

I admit I’m not happy about having Parkinson’s disease, what it has taken away, and where it is likely to lead. I’d welcome a cure. But I’m no victim. Having such a disease keeps a lid on my ego. It’s a constant reminder I have little control over the circumstances in my life. It has trained me to accept the hand I’ve been dealt and to view the world from a more tolerant perspective. It’s brought me precious relationships I wouldn’t otherwise have had. Those are new opportunities and abilities I’ve gained, not just a disability with loss. 

Adverse experiences have shaped the lives of our most extraordinary leaders. These experiences forged their character, transforming them into humble leaders. As a result, they could speak with authority and wisdom instead of resigning themselves to fear and defeat. They saw these as opportunities to grow themselves, serve others, and spread hope. After all, isn’t that what leaders are called to do?

Have you changed in fundamental ways because of crucial moments which mattered in your life? How have they made you a better leader? 

Don Janssen, DVM is a veterinarian and retired corporate director of animal health for the San Diego Zoo Global. He is the author of Upside Down Leadership: A Zoo Veterinarian’s Journey to Becoming a Servant Leader. It’s available at